A year in review

Dec 10, 2015 | Features

As the year draws to a close I want to take this opportunity to look back on 2015 and discuss what I have planned for 2016. But firstly I want to thank you, my clients, for your continued support as without you I would not have a business. I love my business and I love planning for my clients.
2015 has been a hard year all round. We have seen the striking miners, fraud and corruption on many levels, and a lot of political uncertainty. Crime and unemployment are at an all-time high, GDP is around 1.5%, and our current account deficit is sitting at around 6%. In 2004 – 2007 we had a community boom which boosted our economy, but that is unlikely to happen this time round with the slowdown in the Chinese economy. Emerging markets worldwide have taken a knock as most currencies have depreciated this year. Unfortunately we have also had one of the worst recorded droughts this year which means we will have to import food at weak currency prices.
I cannot predict the stock market for next year, but we will not have the great equity returns we have had for the past five years. Asset, currency and geographic diversification will become more important in the future; short-term investments will have to be invested conservatively and only long-term investments invested aggressively.
Next year I plan to take all my clients through a wealth management programme. It will consist of two emails a month—one in the first week and one in the third week—in the months February to November 2016. If you follow the programme, you will be better off financially by the end of it. You will be saving more and spending less, and will have better control of your finances.
The programme will entail you reading the emails and making the necessary adjustments to your finances. I will see you for an annual review next year as this will cement the information I will be emailing to you.
I am looking forward to next year and doing the wealth management programme together with you.
I hope you and your family have a restful and peaceful Christmas and New Year, and I look forward to connecting in 2016!