Discovery Dollar Capital Plus Fund

Mar 25, 2016 | Features

Invest offshore and get unlimited returns on your investment
Discovery Invest has created the ideal offshore investment with great upside potential and massive protection built-in.
With the Discovery Dollar Capital Plus Fund, your investment is converted into US dollars and invested in global markets. If global markets go up by even as little as 1% over five years, you get a 40% return in US dollars. If it grows by more than 40%, you get the additional upside potential. Additionally, if markets fall even by as much as 30%, you get the value of your capital back ‒ in US dollars.
This special offer closes 8th April 2016.
For more information on this exciting offer, please see the Discovery Dollar Capital Plus Fund Factsheet. Ts & Cs apply.
Please contact me if you have any questions, or require any further information.
Sigrid Madonko