With the festive season upon us, most of us will be sitting down to compile our Christmas wish lists soon. I was doing just this the other day, when it struck me just how driven we are by consumerism nowadays – it seems like everywhere you look there’s a new deal being offered or the latest gadget being advertised. Is this consumer-driven world we live in really good for us as people, not to mention the effect it has on our finances?
I’ve come to realise that despite all the enjoyment we get from owning the latest products, the greatest source of happiness can be found by leading a simple life – a life which is simple in its wants but rich in its friendship for others. This type of life is also easier on your wallet and will allow you to save and invest money, which will give you greater peace of mind.
Our wants and needs determine so much of what we do in life – what we study, where we work, even the friendships and relationships we enter into. As long as we lead lives which are balanced and not driven by the things we long to possess, we will enjoy the fruits of our labour and be able to own the things we really need while living comfortably within our means. There is nothing quite as satisfying as being able to rest easy at night, knowing that you are debt-free and on the road to financial freedom.
If you’d like to make a new start and rid yourself of the worries that come with debt and keeping up a consumer-driven lifestyle, take a moment to consider what’s really important to you. If the most important things in your life, like family and friends, can’t be bought or sold, you’re on the right track.