The Baby Boomers

Sep 27, 2013 | Features, Uncategorized

One has got to love the Baby Boomers! They shaped so much of the world as we know it today. Their “anything is possible” attitude enabled them to start successful businesses and try new ventures. They were promised “The American Dream” as children and they went out and created it for themselves.
Born between 1946 and 1964 they were influenced by the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam War and the Cold War. They are motivated by growth and gratification. They are team orientated and their attitude to consumerism is: spend now and pay later. They are spenders, risk takers rather than being savers who are cautious.
The Baby Boomers are multi-taskers who live to work, are often driven and workaholics. They value ambition, equality, personal fulfilment and they strive to do their best. They want flexibility with regards to retirement, retiring when it suits them rather than when society recommends.
They are often business owners, entrepreneurs and idealists. They have a very positive outlook on life. Unfortunately they have not always made enough provision for the future and will want to work to supplement their retirement income. They are spenders and may need to continue to work to achieve their lifestyle goals in retirement.
Fortunately for Baby Boomers, society is adjusting by creating jobs for the employable retirees amongst the Baby Boomers. They are changing “retirement” as we currently know it by re-entering the market place in their retirement.