Reflecting on the Year

Reflecting on the Year

As the year comes to a close, we want to thank you, our valued clients, for your trust, loyalty, and support. Your partnership has not only fuelled our growth but also inspired us to continually strive for excellence. We are truly grateful for the opportunities we...
Key Elements to Win the Long Game

Key Elements to Win the Long Game

“I won almost 80% of my matches by winning only 54% of the points,” Roger Federer remarked during his 2024 Commencement Address at Dartmouth. This quote encapsulates a universal lesson that extends beyond sports into various facets of life and finance. It...
Humility and Leadership: A Paradox of Power

Humility and Leadership: A Paradox of Power

In the high-stakes world of leadership, the concepts of humility and leadership often seem at odds. Yet, extensive research and timeless wisdom illustrate that humility is a hallmark of truly effective leaders. Even some of history’s most influential figures...
Why We Need to Build Our Resilience—Now!

Why We Need to Build Our Resilience—Now!

We are halfway through the year! When you stop and pause, do you feel tired, overwhelmed, disappointed, lacking motivation or energy, or generally just a bit sad or down? Ever since COVID-19, our world has become more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous...